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Watch here for upcoming interviews and personal appearances. Check my Blog for news as well. With the ebooks release of Executive Actions and Executive Treason during the election year, there will be a great deal to discuss. Hope you enjoy ...!

February 12, 2013 - A terrific Q&A with Gary, talking about his latest novel Executive Command --
read the complete interview ...

January 24, 2013 - Gary talks about the concept behind the new Executive Command Book Trailer ...
Read the interview ... and watch the trailer ...!

NOW AVAILABLE - the final book in my trilogy, Executive Command - READ AN EXCERPT

January 18, 2012 - Diversion Books announces the release of Executive Actions and Executive Treason as eBooks ... More Details ...

Virtual Book Tour

January and February, 2013 - Gary embarks on a Virtual Book Tour working with Bloggers around the globe - details are on the Virtual Book Tours web site ...

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